Whatsyourprice Dating

Is WhatsYourPrice.com a legitimate sugar daddy website? By the sound of its title, it’s either too controversial a site that implies sugar babies are somehow “for sale” or it’s actually another site altogether that showcases what your retail price should be for offering certain services.

7,674 likes 19 talking about this. Whats Your Price - the Online Dating Auction. Join for Free at http://www.WhatsYourPrice.com. Noticing a lack of dating sites dedicated to sugar relationships, we were inspired to launch WhatsYourPrice.org. With a focus on improving the experience specifically for sugar daddies and sugar babies, the matchmaking algorithm takes many factors into account in order to predict matches with the highest success rate possible. WhatsYourPrice is a dating site that allows you to find dates based on the amount of money that you can pay. You make an offer, and your potential date can either take it and agree to have a date with you or decline it. The more money you can offer, the more chances you have. WhatsYourPrice levels the playing field for men and makes dating more rewarding for women. All it takes is a little generosity. Instead of wasting time messaging, like on other dating websites, WhatsYourPrice is straight to the point and gets you on your date. How WhatsYourPrice Works We make online dating simple. We are the online dating shortcut that gets you more dates with attractive people. Find singles in your area who are looking for a date now!

Its title isn’t its only claim to fame though. The whole site itself is different from the average sugar daddy and sugar baby site. It has a different process when it comes to making dates happen because, as is title suggests, it actually involves bidding on sugar babies to get dates from them. The highest bidder wins.

First Impressions

For a dating site, it works more like a date auction site. It’s about bidding on beauties or handsome bachelors: The ones with the highest bid get to date the lady or gent of their choice. This is indeed a unique concept, but does it actually work?

We’ll go into depth in regards to why this sound concept on paper doesn’t necessarily work in real life. Its execution is indeed lacking but the concept itself has unfortunate implications tied to it as well. In short, close but no cigar.


It’s okay. It’s minimalist and modern. Other sites attempt to have a more magazine-layout kind of look which looks bad or loads slowly with slow Internet. This isn’t the case with WhatsYourPrice.com. It uses models worthy of 50 Shades of Grey and uses them sparingly, which might be good or bad depending on your tastes. The text is well-made and pops out, which oozes good web design.

The hyperlinks lead you from page to page in a natural way. You won’t have to scramble for links or miss out on pages. There are no orphaned pages around and it’s basically designed the same way an infographic would. Your eyes travel from text to text without being overloaded with information.

The background has a nice subtle touch of having transparent models hidden behind them. Simplicity allows for newcomers to easily find what they’re looking for, although once you’re a member you’ll get additional services included for good measure. The site practically transforms when you sign up and become a member (in a good way).

Whatsyourprice dating site

Then again, not everyone is a fan of this minimalist style of the early 2010s. They’d rather have the blog format they’re more familiar with in social media like Twitter and Facebook. However, this kind of web format works better with sites that rely on user-generated or shared content across the Information Superhighway.

Signing Up For an Account

To join the Dating Auction of WhatsYourPrice.com, you should create a username, put up your email address, make up your own password, and divulge your birth date (to check if you’re of legal age and to add an extra layer of security for your account). Afterwards, just click “Create Account” and you’re done. Creating an account means you agree with their Terms and Privacy Policy (which no one really reads).

As you can see, signing up for an account with WhatsYourPrice.com has been streamlined by the site itself, allowing you to make a free account without disclosing too sensitive an info like your credit card numbers and whatnot. After you’ve provided your info, you’ll then proceed to get your picture verified (unlike other trashier sites where verification is nonexistent).

Normally, because all photographs and accounts are verified to be true, sugar daddies “shouldn’t” need to be worried about catfishing or scams from the sugar babies when picking photos from different member profiles: Just pick the baby that catches your eye by putting a bid on her—the price you’re willing to put up for a date. And if you’re a sugar baby, well lucky for you—all you need to do is wait until the highest bidder comes.

Sugar Daddy/Sugar Baby Listings

Whatsyourprice Dating

The site claims to have 1,215,470+ members and cheekily adds it has $10,000,000+ of attractive members (including free accounts) and 832,141+ bids on dates. Speaking of bids, the bidding process on admittedly rich and varied sugar daddy and baby listings is pretty straightforward. The site works the same way as how eBay used to work, with bids on every girl.

In regards to the site’s bidding process system, it does actually work and it has satisfied a number of customers. You can bid and get a girl when you win your bid. The babies can also set the minimum bid they’re willing to take in order to consent to a date. There are several issues about this concept though, chief among them concerns of the process becoming too akin to prostitution.

How Much Does Dating Cost

What’s more, even though it’s expensive to get a membership and bidding actually adds to your expenses rather than reduces them, there are girls who no-show dates. It’s tragic, but WhatsYourPrice.com is willing to make money off of your membership without guaranteeing that the girls in their listings are legit.

The girls who no-show guys never set up another date nor bother to give an excuse; they can get away with such shenanigans with no consequences whatsoever. The site is also tough on sugar babies because members can pretend to be millionaires with them none the wiser. The only verification being done by the site is the legitimacy of the photos (which usually entails checking out your Facebook or asking for your identification details online).

However, it’s possible for certain members to pretend to be millionaires due to the verification not being detailed enough. This also allows sugar babies to make fake women profiles or catfish members. The site doesn’t go beyond photo verification.


The site allows you to go window shopping with the free account. To do more than browse profiles, you have to pay for a membership for the right to bid. On top of that, you also have to pay ridiculous prices to communicate with the sugar babies whom you’ve successfully bid for. You’ve read that right. You need to pay $50 for 100 credits, $150 for 450 credits, and $250 for 1,000 credits. It doesn’t make sense since you’re already bidding money, but if you’ve already done it, might as well pay extra to be able to communicate with the sugar baby, right?

The Bottom Line

Even if the concept works as intended and there’s no rampant catfishing or lying about income involved, the bidding system reeks of digitalized prostitution “at best” and serves as a way for the otherwise standard sugar daddy website to fleece of its members of their money.

What's Your Price Dating Review

Bidding involves additional expenses on top of getting a paid monthly membership. Also, the fake profiles might be WhatsYourPrice.com attempting to make its website more popular than it really is, resulting in many members getting stood up on dates they’ve bid on fair and square.

In conclusion, although the site gets plus points in creativity and uniqueness, it falls flat because of the usual pitfalls of the average sugar daddy websites.

Freeto join and lots of generous men to meet!

What's Your Price Dating
