Spiritual Gay Dating

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  3. Spiritual Singles Online Dating

Spiritual Singles is a community site exclusively designed for a set audience. This online dating site is for singles that are spiritually conscious, mindful, and ready to mingle with others who share similar beliefs. Spiritual Singles is one of the oldest dating sites: founded two decades ago. Conscious Dating Network (CDN) is the oldest, largest, exclusively 'Spiritual/Conscious' and 'Green/Eco-Friendly' network of online dating sites with almost 20 years experience. Many of our sites are marketed by us, CDN, and by allowing third parties to market 'Privately Labeled Sites' it leverages our marketing efforts and attracts more. Religious Gay Guys - Spiritual Dating - Canada. Browse profiles of Gay users that have joined Spiritual Dating that are associated with Religious. Dating other singles that have similar interests is a pefect way to come up with ideas to do on a first date. Signup for a 100% Free Profile to Go out Today! Conscious Dating Network (CDN) is the oldest, largest, exclusively 'Spiritual/Conscious' and 'Green/Eco-Friendly' network of online dating sites with almost 20 years experience. Many of our sites are marketed by us, CDN, and by allowing third parties to market 'Privately Labeled Sites' it leverages our marketing efforts and attracts more.

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Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 offer a helpful way to answer this question:

Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

Paul’s words show that there are practices and lifestyles that, if left unrepented of, can prevent someone from inheriting—that is, having a place in—the kingdom of God. To live as a Christian is to accept God’s authority over our own.

Transgender identities fall into that category—they are, as I write in my book God and The Transgender Debate, not compatible with following Christ. A person’s gender identity reflects how they define what it means to be a human being. That self-definition will either correspond to God’s revelation in his word or it will not. As we have seen, God has created human beings in his own image as male and female. Our identity, therefore, is defined by God in his purposes for his creation and in his new creation in Christ. The design of humanity is purposeful and good, and part of our design is that we are men and women. To deny or overturn that distinction is to nullify God’s revelation both in nature and in Scripture. The Bible calls it suppressing the truth in unrighteousness (Romans 1 v 18).

But experiencing gendor dysphoria does not mean you are not a Christian
That doesn’t mean that someone who struggles with gender identity conflicts is not a Christian. All Christians wrestle with life in this fallen world in one way or another. Let me underline that experiencing gender dysphoria does not mean you are not a Christian.

But it does mean that a settled rejection of God’s purposes for us as male or female cannot be reconciled with following Christ. Someone can embrace a transgender identity or find their identity in Christ, but not both.

Having said that, it is possible to sin in all kinds of ways in ignorance, rather than willfully and knowingly. A new Christian might not know that they are called to honor their parents, or that lust is sinful. The key is that when they read in Scripture that obedience to God means changing in these areas, they will work to do so, with God’s help. Likewise, it would be possible to identify as transgender and also be trusting Christ as Lord because they have not yet realized the implications of the lordship of Christ in this area of their life and identity. As and when they do realize it, a Christian person would change their behavior in this area, with God’s help.

This is an excerpt from God and The Transgender Debate, and short booked designed to help Christians engage lovingly, thoughtfully and faithfully with one of the greatest cultural discussions of our day. Originally published on TheGoodBook.com. Used with permission.

Andrew T. Walker (@andrewtwalk) is Director of Policy Studies for the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention.

Image courtesy: ©Thinkstock/nito100

Publication date: August 31, 2017

Worthy Booklet and Video Series

Nothing is more powerful than honest stories that align with our own experiences. The Unity Worthy booklet and video series highlights personal stories of those who have overcome rejection to find Truth. Many of the Worthy contributors were bullied, beaten, and ridiculed. And perhaps most hurtful of all—told they were unacceptable to God. Yet, these are stories of healing—even triumph.

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Additional Resources to Support You on Your Spiritual Journey

Check out YouTube to find more inspiring videos and meditations from Unity.

More Free Booklets
Unity booklets are available to order or for immediate download.

The Unity articles section will help you find inspiration and motivation. Here are a few samples to get you started.

Insightful and entertaining, Unity offers podcasts on hundreds of spiritual topics – available live and on demand.

Unity has offered supportive, affirmative prayer to people around the world for 130 years. Connect with us day or night at unity.org/prayer or call 816-969-2000.

Unity meditations will help quiet your mind and calm your heart.

Visit our store to find books, products and other resources to support you on your spiritual journey. And look for our new journal coming in April—Worthy of Wonder: A Self-Discovery Workbook!

Global Pride Spiritual Summit

Global Pride Spiritual Summit: A Virtual Gathering for the LGBTQIA+ World
Hosted by Mark Anthony Lord, minister at Unity on the Lakeshore, and Sunshine Daye

June 11–13, 2021

Celebrate Your Divinity! Join together in community to empower your spiritual connection and engage in life-changing discussions with spiritual teachers and healers. With powerful music to lift your soul.

$147—live event
$197—live event + on-demand access

Registration information:GlobalPrideSpiritualSummit.org

Each of Us Is Created with Sacred Worth

Welcome to Unity. In Unity, we believe God is absolute good. And because all people exist within and as part of this divine energy, each of us is also inherently good.

The Unity movement is open and welcoming of all individuals regardless of race, color, gender, age, creed, religion, national origin, ethnicity, physical disability, or sexual orientation. We invite you to read our formal (yet ever-evolving) statement of diversity and inclusion.

Unity Leaves No One Out

Unity extends an explicit invitation to members of the LGBTQ+ community, who we know have often been rejected by spiritual communities because of who they are or who they love. Through prayer, publishing, and community outreach, we are committed to respecting the dignity of every human being—and that includes their gender identity/expression.

Families, Marriage, and Unity

Photo Credit: Makayla Jade Photography

Spiritual Gay Dating Games

Unity has a long history of performing commitment ceremonies, supported marriage equality, and immediately began performing legal ceremonies when marriage equality passed.

You will see every beautiful kind of family at our centers, events, and spaces. Individual centers and ministers are free to perform marriage ceremonies for any couple. Some couples have chosen Unity Village, the world headquarters of the Unity movement near Kansas City, Missouri, as their wedding venue.

Spiritual Gay Dating

LGBTQ+ in Ministries

Unity not only welcomes LGBTQ+ members and visitors in its centers but happily ordains LGBTQ+ ministers and credentials laypeople as licensed Unity teachers. Start on the path of spiritual discovery with workshops through Spiritual Explorers, or find out more about Unity teaching and ministry from Unity Worldwide Spiritual Institute.


Spiritual Gay Dating Service

Unity World Headquarters continually provides resources for our ministries to support outreach in the community, individuals in need, and the congregation at large in ongoing conversations about social justice, gender transitioning, family support, recovery, and more.

Spiritual Singles Online Dating

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