Okcupid Men

OkCupid is a waste of time and I have had absolutely no luck or any good results on it. I do not recommend it for christian guys. I feel like I will never fi. A big issue most guys on Okcupid have is that it’s actually quite the opposite in terms of expectations of people on the website. I’ve found that most girls on Okcupid think EVERYONE is a loser if they’re on this website, and I don’t think most men feel that way about the women. Dec 05, 2013 Who Knows What Men Want on OkCupid — Men or Women? In Brooklyn, New York, there is a bar called Sharlene’s. At Sharlene’s, a Jameson-and-soda costs $7, and I was on my second of the night when a friend, Derek, told me that if I listed Sleeping Beauty among my favorite movies on OkCupid, I would attract creeps and weirdos. Women over the age of 20: OkCupid finally has pulled together a study that explains why men now find you physically repulsive.Handy! The study, found in OkCupid co-founder Christian Rudder’s new.

If you’re a single 20-something, you’ve probably tiptoed into the weird world of online dating ... and not on a paid site like Match.com. I’m talking Tinder and OkCupid. Whether you try one or more of these apps, you quickly learn that free dating sites are full of grammar-butchering creeps — with a few hidden gems (like you, duh). If you go on enough online dates, you realize that there are some key differences between Tinder and OkCupid — and the type of people you'll meet. Because I’ve been on my fair share of Tinder and OkCupid adventures lately, I’m going to impart my wisdom to you and point out just what these differences are.

First off, a couple disclaimers. I live in Milwaukee, and there is a very strange and specific dating pool here: Green Bay Packer-loving bros and super grungy hipsters. When I visit Chicago on weekends, the number of normal Tinder users in my radius multiplies. But somewhere in between these extremes, there are some great guys looking for relationships on dating sites. I met a long-term ex-boyfriend on OkCupid and have even made friends from some fun but chemistry-free dates. That said, as you begrudgingly give up your weeknights on the couch and venture out on dates with Internet dudes, you might also notice these clear differences between guys on Tinder and guys on OkCupid:

1. Tinder guys... match with you but don't message

OkCupid guys ... message multiple times, even when you don’t respond

2. Tinder guys ... post lots of shirtless selfies

OkCupid guys... post lots of clothed selfies in front of webcams

3. Tinder guys... like fishing and riding motorcycles

OkCupid guys... like hiking and watching Netflix

4. Tinder guys... kiss you on the first date and try to take you home

OkCupid guys... give you an awkward hug on the first date (and second and third)

5. Tinder guys... are more likely to be touring musicians you'll never see again

OkCupid guys... are more likely to be computer nerds who actually live next door

6. Tinder guys... want to meet up for drinks in the evening

OkCupid guys... want to meet up for coffee in the afternoon

7. Tinder guys... aren't looking for anything serious

OkCupid guys... take things WAY too seriously

You've been warned — now get out there and find your online dream date!

Images: ©2014 Fox Broadcasting Co. Cr: Greg Gayne/FOX ; Giphy (15)

'Preferences' is where you tell us who you are looking for on OkCupid.

Okcupid Men

The preferences you set here affect who you see in Discover and elsewhere around OkCupid.

✅ You will (as always) see and be seen by people who are looking for someone of your age and location

✅ We place a priority on people who match what you are Looking For exactly

Frequently Asked Questions

Why am I seeing people from outside of my Preferences?

If someone is an extra good match for you, but just slightly outside your age or distance range, you may see them suggested to you in some parts of OkCupid. For example, if you have your age range set as 34-43 and your distance as 25 miles, you may still see or be seen by good matches that are 33 or 44, and who are 28 miles away. We don't want you to miss out on these good matches!

I set my Preferences to “located anywhere”, why am I still seeing local people?

Okcupid Men Over 50

Setting your profile to look for people “located anywhere” includes people who live near you and also far away. We also make sure to only show you people who are interested in folks who live where you do.

Because the vast majority of members on OkCupid are looking only for people near them, you’ll likely still mostly see people near your location.

However, if you set your Looking For to “located anywhere” you will also see people located anywhere who are looking for people in your location.

How do I only see people in my state/country?

At the moment, we don’t have a way to filter by state or national borders. We're considering adding an option to filter by state/country, but it is not a currently available feature.

How can I only see people from far away?

The only way to prevent people near your location from seeing you is to go Incognito. This allows you to only be seen by people whose profiles you’ve liked.

Setting your profile to look for people “located anywhere” includes people who live near you and also far away. We also make sure to only show you people who are interested in folks who live where you do.

Because the vast majority of members on OkCupid are looking only for people near them, you’ll likely still mostly see people near your location.

However, if you set your Looking For to “located anywhere” you will also see people located anywhere who are looking for people in your location.

Okcupid Tips For Men

My profile says I'm looking for someone that I'm not!

If you're using okcupid.com, you can find your “Preferences” by selecting your profile picture in the top right corner of the site. If you're using the app, you can find your “Preferences” under Profile > Preferences.

Okcupid Men And Women Attractiveness

If you still need help, you can email support@okcupid.com